What is “Geeks & Grounds”?

A game-of-the-month club born of my love for games and the cozy, invigorating conversations I often have about them with friends (often in coffee shops and cafes).

Geeks & Grounds is founded on the pillars of curation and connection: I want to curate games that excite, spark curiosity, bring joy, and make you think about the world we live in.

How does it work?

Each month, we’ll play a game together. Sometimes it’ll be newer, sometimes it’ll be older, and sometimes you may have even played it already! I will consider factors like cost, accessibility, how long to play, potential to provide discussion, the developers, and community interest. Members will participate through:

Weekly Podcast (generally Mondays) - Every week, we’ll release a podcast summarizing the section and discussion from the week, including your thoughts and reactions (sent in via email and our voicemail)! We’ll also do our best to schedule developer interviews - both of our selections as well as devs of other notable and interesting games in the industry.

Weekly Newsletters (generally Tuesdays)- The source for all announcements and a weekly reflection question related to what we’re playing. My hope is that as you participate, you’ll write back to me with your thoughts: I’ll always write back within the week!  This is a great way to interact on a more 1 on 1 basis (no social pressure). Bullet points and incomplete sentences are a-ok! If you miss a newsletter, check out the archive in This Month’s Brew

Every newsletter will include:
- A weekly reflection question for you to respond to (or think about).

- The updated Playthrough Guide with Discussion Questions for you consider while you play.

- Supplementary materials, media, and activities to deepen understanding

- Dates/times for the monthly community hangouts and any additional community news

Once you receive the newsletter, skim it, read it, and save it for when you play!

Discord Forum (Anytime) - A dedicated section of the Kimchica’s Café server. You are encouraged to ask questions, share comments, and hang out as much (or as little) as you’d like. The server will also be the location for the monthly meet-up where we discuss final thoughts on the game together.

Pick and choose what works best for you!

Who is this for?

Anyone interested in learning more about themselves through what they play. Whether you’re familiar with games or are thinking about playing and don’t quite know where to start. Whether you feel comfy participating in discussions, or perhaps you’d like to start dipping your toes into articulating and sharing your thoughts about what you’ve played! This is a primarily asynchronous club, meaning you can participate when the time works for you within the month, but we’ll also have a dedicated hangout each month to talk through our reaction to each game in the official Discord.

Where can I sign up?

Drop your email right here! You can also follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for updates, and join the Discord to participate in forum discussions and the monthly hangout.

I signed up, but didn’t receive a confirmation email!

Check your spam or promotions folder — it may have ended up there! If that happens, be sure to whitelist my email (jenny@geeksandgrounds.com) to be sure not to miss a future newsletter. Responding to the confirmation email also helps prevent future inbox misses!

How do I submit a game suggestion?

Send me an email at jenny@geeksandgrounds.com — you can also offer up suggestions in the dedicated channel on the Discord server.

This is a new project, so the format will — almost certainly — go through an adjustment period
as I find what works and what doesn’t.

I appreciate your understanding, flexibility, and feedback in advance as we work together to create this community!